Monday, January 31, 2011

Furniture Repair

Any time you're talking furniture-repair, there's a wide range of potential projects that arise. Some of these projects there are simple, DIY, fix-it projects that can take care of the problem. For more significant issues, you'll want to get in touch with an experienced furniture repair company to bring your old and worn furniture back to life.

A Few Easy Fixes
How much you're willing to try to repair your furniture on your own depends a lot on how much the damaged piece means to you in the first place. Nicks, scratches, and loose legs on a set of chairs you picked up at a garage sale are a different animal than that solid oak table and chair set that has been passed down through your family for generations. If you're willing to experiment some on your furniture, here's a few things to try before you call the pros:

Bringing in the Big Dogs
Of course, not all furniture is to be trusted with a DIY quick fix, and not all fixes are within your average Joe's ability to perform. In such cases, your best bet is to contact an experienced furniture-repair company to take care of your job for you. A good furniture repairman can work wonders, including, but not limited to:

- Repairing broken wooden legs and feet
- Fabricating missing parts
- Refinishing
- Repairing Water Damage
- Repairing Burns
- Reupholstering
- Repairing and tuning pianos
- Securing loose joints

Whether your furniture was damaged in a move, has simply worn down with daily use, or you just want to touch it up and get it looking and working like new, there is an answer. Talk to a qualified furniture-repair specialist for all your repair needs.
# Repairing broken wooden legs and feet
# Fabricating missing parts
# Refinishing
# Repairing Water Damage
# Repairing Burns
# Reupholstering
# Repairing and tuning pianos
# Securing loose joints

Whether your furniture was damaged in a move, has simply worn down with daily use, or you just want to touch it up and get it looking and working like new, there is an answer. Talk to a qualified furniture-repair specialist for all your repair needs.
# To cover up scratches, gouges, and nicks in a finish, use a like colored crayon, filler stick, or touch up marker to hide the blemish. If you're a real go-getter, consider re-finishing old furniture all together.
# For sticky drawers that run on wood slides, apply a paste wax to the drawer and the slide in order to solve the problem.
# If your steel framed bed is squeaky, try applying a little lubricating oil to the rivets to quiet things down. If it's a wood frame, you're probably going to have to re-glue the joints.
# For wobbly chairs, use a rubber mallet to knock loose all joints that aren't tight. Once you've got them apart, wrap all exposed spindles with thread before re-gluing the joints. You'll get a tighter fit and hopefully fix the problem.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Furniture Repair in Encinitas

Woodmasters Workshop . We are a local repair, refinishing, and restoration workshop. We are located along the Coast Hwy 101 in beautiful Leucadia within the city of Carlsbad, CA. We provide a variety of services ranging from simple chair repairs to antique restoration, to full kitchen cabinet and furniture refinishing. We have an extensive knowledge of finishes, styles, and techniques that range from shellac and lacquers to glazes and modern high-end finishes. A large percentage of our work comes from personal referrals and we take pride in our work and believe we provide a high quality service with honesty and integrity.

Call Today For a Free Estimate
(760) 579-8634